Accept mobile payments easily

Ideal for all payments without cash. Whether directly in the shop during consultation, in the catering business or at market stands – with the Bluescan App, mobile payments can be accepted in all mobile sales situations.

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Get started with Bluecode

Contact us and let our trained staff inform you about the Bluescan App.

Free download,
quick start

We provide the Bluescan App free of charge. Without rental, activation or fixed costs. You only have to pay the transaction fee to a Bluecode acquirer.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Bluescan App


Enter an amount

You can use the built-in calculator to calculate the final transaction amount. Alternatively, you can store items with the memory keys for even faster transactions.

Bluecode DeviceBluescan App


chooses tip

With the Bluescan App, entering your deserved tip is very easy. Just ask your customers how much they would like to tip you, select the percentage of the tip, done!

Bluecode DeviceBluescan App


Scan the customer’s barcode

To pay, your customer simply shows you the barcode of his app, which only needs to be scanned with your Bluescan app.

Bluescan App Scan


Customer has paid

It’s that simple and fast to accept Bluecode payments with the Bluescan App

Bluecode DeviceBluescan App

Your advantages with the Bluescan App

Flexibler und beweglicher Einsatz

Flexible and mobile use

Viele Mitarbeiter ausstatten ohne Zusatzkosten

Equip numerous employees without additional costs

Einfache Bedienung und gut ablesbar

Easy handling and good readability

Zusätzliche Akzeptanz von Alipay Zahlungen

Additional acceptance of Alipay payments

Digitalisierung von Mehrwertprogrammen

Possibility to offer digital customer loyalty programs

Erhalt des Tagesabschluss per Mail im CSV Format

Receipt of the daily closing by e-mail in CSV format

Free of charge

We provide the Bluescan App free of charge. Without rental, activation or fixed costs. You only have to pay the transaction fee to your existing acquirer.

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Bluecode DeviceBluescan App